Chart The Night

A nightlife coordination app built with ReactJS, NodeJS and Express. Track nightlife and find the best bars in your area.


Built with the MERN stack, MongoDB, Express, React, and Nodejs. This full stack app uses the FourSquare API for users to track local bars and view the numbers of people going on a particular evening. Users can add themselves and remove themselves from bars as they wish. A statement of simplicity, the app requires a user to input their location before accessing anything, making the app easy to understand and use. The beauty of the app is its universality. Anyone in the world can search for their local bars and add themselves to them, making it a truly global app.


  • MongoDB, Express, NodeJS and React
  • FourSquare API
  • Global app based on user location
  • Once logged in, users can add themselves to multiple bars
  • Default location saved using localstorage